Monday, December 14, 2009

WordPress Plugins to Get You Started

I love WordPress and the Headway Theme. I think the two systems are very useful, and cost effective (check out this post for my Headway review). I like WordPress because: 1) it's the blogging platform supported by my webhost (very useful when you screw up); 2) it's free (I think TypePad charges for hosting); and 3) the WordPress site has millions (literally) of helpful people creating plugins, applications, and support forums.

I've decided to give you a list of my favorite WordPress plugins, and hopefully, you'll add to this mix (in no particular order).

  1. Sociable Plug-in - this plugin adds a nifty little banner at the bottom of your posts to allow readers to add the posts to their favorite social website.
  2. Simple Google Sitemap Generator - sitemaps are key to getting recognized in Google. This generator does the hard work, and you take all the credit.
  3. RSS Footer - if you're a paranoid, "end-of-the-world" type guy like me, you're afraid that someone's going to rip off your content, sell it to the "gub-ment", and use it to create the next Kennedy conspiracy, of which you'll get no credit. This plugin stops that. You get credit for uncovering/creating the conspiracy. P.S., it also protects you from getting copied and reused without credit.
  4. Google Analyticator - I use Google Analytics, you should too. This makes it easy. Analytics is it's own monster.
  5. Dean's FCKEditor - this plugin adds extras to your simple editor.
  6. WP-Cumulus - If you like cloud tags, this is an easy one to use.
  7. Wordpress Automatic Upgrade - easily upgrade your WordPress site and plugins. One-touch upgrade...SWEET!
  8. Statpress Reloaded - A great plugin to get more information about your blog's visitors, search terms, etc.
Hopefully, this list will get you started on your blogging adventure. If you find a good WordPress widget or plugin you're happy with, please let me know.

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