Saturday, January 26, 2008

Why don't people think?

I was browsing the local news VERY early this morning and ran across this article.

Basically the story istelling us that we need to be more aware of the personal information we put at about ourselves.

I have harped on my friends and relatives about giving out too much info about themselves. The problem is even more tragic in social network experiences. I'm amazed at how many put people put name, address, telephone number, and school schedule, thinking they are safe.

I've "tagged" a couple people in preparation for my lawsuits because of the information on their Facebook or MySpace pages. I think it more people would remember the "what would Jesus do?" mantra before posting, they'd have fewer of the worries discussed in the article.

But then again, I might have to work harder at proving liability, or at least a regular pattern of behavior.

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