Sunday, February 24, 2008


At the start of 2008, like the billions of other people, I made a commitment to improve my cardiovascular health. I've been a member of the local YMCA for over 2 years, and have been a semi-regular visitor. However, since the summer of 2007, I've slacked off on my regular attendance. Before the new year, I hadn't attended the gym for at least 4 months.
With my new resolution, I committed to be a regular participant. I'm glad I have. In 6 weeks, I've lost 12 pounds, a feat I'm very proud of.
Well, I've also discovered this new method of exercise. It involves moving your legs, and is called "running." I've never known, nor cared how, fantastic this was. I'm setting a goal to run in the upcoming 5K. Since I ran 2.7 miles on Saturday, that shouldn't be a problem in the future.
One thing that's added to my new love of running is the Nike/Apple innovation called "Nike+". It's not too often that I'll praise Nike. I've never been a fan of their shoes, clothing, or assortment of other over-priced gear. But this is fantastic!
The sensor plugs into your iPod Nano and enables you to track your distance and calories. At home, you upload to iTunes and the Nike+ website. Online you can track your progress, set goals, create challenges or routes, and basically anything involved with running. Finally, if your run is the longest one you've completed, Lance Armstrong whispers a congratulations into your ear. What could be better!?
Here's a tip/trick: the guys at Nike, and their partners at the Apple store, will try and talk you into purchasing their $100+ shoes. They're not necessary. I'm running in New Balance shoes because they fit better. To save yourself the cost, purchase one of these. For the $10.99 it costs, they're fantastic. They're very accurate, and prevent damage to your shoes.
If you'd like to save some money, there are other products out there. However, I liked the compactability of the product, and the fact I didn't have to try and weave it into my shoe. I can snap and go.
Finally, if you're any kind of professional out there, and you're not active, what's stopping you? Just your excuses. I get up at 5:45 and remain active (work, school & family) until 10:30. If a formerly obese guy like me can do it, you can too.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you found out what I've been talking about!

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you have some major events in the last 4 months of 2007 that kept you from the gym at time? (for example... a hospitalized child, & then the birth of a new one.)
