Friday, February 1, 2008

RSS on the go

There might be 1 person out there who has not discovered the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed, and the benefits of an RSS reader program. For that person, you need to get "reading."
The great thing about the RSS feed, is the ability to "mobilize" and condense your web-browsing. If you're still bookmarking each blog and then checking the sites daily, you're wasting a lot of time (and money if you're working) having to search through and read each entry. YOU NEED AN RSS READER.
The RSS reader is great for mobile, home, or office use. The reader takes your subscriptions, makes checks for new posts, and downloads the posts for viewing. You'll only be reading and checking the updated feeds (we all know how few blogs really get regular updates), saving you time and money.
You might want to check out Internet Explorer's RSS options, but I've found that MS Outlook 2007 has a great feature for downloading RSS feeds to your email. This is great, if you're at your desk all day, or reading blogs only while you're at your computer. As for me, I prefer a more mobile method, using my iPAQ pocketpc.
Recently, NewsGator opened up it's several RSS reader programs, for free (always a bonus). I jumped on this opportunity, signed up for an account, and downloaded their NewsGator Go program, to replace my seriously outdated and feature-lacking (but free) PocketRSS reader. The NewsGator program offers features that put it heads and shoulders above other similarly free readers.
One of my favorite additions is the ability to use the NewsGator website to add/delete or view my subscriptions.
So, if you're looking to improve free up some time (and money), download an RSS reader, and start subscribing to those feeds.

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