Saturday, September 6, 2008

America is a pretty great place

My wife has been begging and prodding me to read a blog about this couple (see here and here too). She happened upon their blog through her incessant blog-stalking, and cannot seem to shake their experience from her mind.

Now, after reading the blog, who can blame her. It seems they were injured in an airplane crash, and now spend their days in a drug-induced coma, with burns covering up to 80% of their bodies. To complicate matters, they have 4 children who are particularly concerned about their parents.

I think one of the most truly magical things that's emerged from their experience is the number of people rallying to support their cause. Despite the difficult financial times, many individuals are donating to their Foundation.

I'm particularly impressed with one businessman from Utah decided to donate 100% of his September proceeds to the family's support. Another woman created an auction site whose efforts are devoted to raising money.

I can't help but think that this is The American Spirit in action. In small patches everywhere, people are supporting similar causes, for countless numbers of unknown individuals.

Dave Dee has an excellent post on his website where he criticizes those rabble-rousers who seek to discredit the benefits of being an American. In what other country, (Canada? England? Iran?) would you find so much freedom and good will. Regardless of your views about The War, politics, or religion, Americans have the best system on Earth. This American system encourages this American Spirit.

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